Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Let the Blogging begin

Well this is the first installment into what will probably be a regular habit for me. I have decided to take up blogging in an effort to keep my family and friends updated on what is happening with my family and I. Seeing that I'm not a literary giant, it may take me a bit to get good at this.

That all said, some of you maybe saying, "What is a blog?" Instead of me taking a long time typing something that is both confusing and poorly written, here is a link to wikipedia's answer.

Now with all that out of the way, I can bring you up to speed. Kristal and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary back on May 31st. Now most normal couples would be starting to get their family started about this time in their relationship. They may have one child and another on the way. Well we have never been normal! Paris is 4, Champ is 2, and Silas is 7 months. We have a dog (Kate), a hairless cat (Izzy), 3 miniature horses, and a donkey. Talk about a loud house! As for work, I work for my father-in-law on the Villaggio project and help with some of the other companies. Kristal is mostly a fantastic stay-at-home mom, but she runs her shoe store on the side. When we're not doing all that, you can find us at the church (Kristal is a praise team member and I run the sound) or on the road headed somewhere. We try not and sit still to long.

Well i guess that does it for this edition of "That's My Life". Please check back soon for more episodes. I'll try to keep them coming.


Robbie said...

Hey, Paul. I love the blog. I'll be checking in regularly to see what's happening with you and your family. Way to go, Paul! You're always pushing us to move forward with new technology.

Robbie said...

I know you are busy, Paul, but I hope you don't abandon the idea of the BLOG. I love it!