Friday, November 14, 2014

Bringing You Up To Speed

So I've been neglecting my blog for... well since almost day 1.  I don't have very much "free time" to spend with jotting down my thoughts.  Most of the time I'm running from work to one or more children's events or activities.  It seems that there are few days that we don't have somewhere to be,  But I suppose that is what makes life fun and interesting.  I know that I am my happiest when I am watching my kids be..... kids.

That said, let me take a few seconds to catch everyone up on what the Endris' are up to.  The old saying goes "age before beauty", so I guess we will start with the "old man" of the house  -- me!

For the past 3 years I have been a single father of 3 incredible children and loving it.  I live in Northwest Louisiana, where I was born and raised.  I work two jobs.  Primarily, I work for ReachLocal, an internet marketing firm, as a Customer Advocate.  In my role I have the opportunity to work with our customers to ensure that their account is being handled properly and all their needs are met.  If you know me, this job is a perfect fit.  I enjoy speaking with our customers and resolving any issues and concerns they may have.  What can I say - I'm a people person, who likes to talk. Secondly, I'm a sound technician at Trinity Heights Baptist Church. I have been the sound tech for roughly a little over 11 years.  It is a very rewarding job.  I don't have the greatest voice in the world, I'm too long-winded to be a preacher (is that possible???), and I stopped playing an instrument in high school.  So this job is a perfect way for me to be a part of the worship and serve.  
Hanging with Chief Caddo

My three kids are growing like weeds.  Paris(10), Champ(8), and Silas(6) keep me busy most days.  In fact most days they do their very best to drive me crazy! I tell them that they are responsible for my hair turning loose, and the ones that don't - turn white.  I think its hilarious that I love them for it.  They are too much fun.

Paris loves sports and is an amazing pianist.  She competes in various music festivals and talent shows all year long.  I don't think I've ever seen her leave one without a trophy or award.  She is incredible.  She is easily the best soccer goalie in her age group.  She made stops that would have made Tim Howard gawk.  OK, that's a daddy talking.  In the spring she is an excellent catcher on her softball team. Throw them out at 3rd??? Nah, she is well known for running them down before they can get back to the base.  She doesn't do anything half way.  Paris is determined to be the best at everything she does (with exception of cleaning her room).

Champ made All-Stars 
Chamberlain (or Champ) has a rough life ahead of him.  He is a cookie cutter of me. OK, its not gonna be too bad.  His personality is very loving and ready to do whatever for whoever.  He too has become quite a ball player.  This fall he returned as the starting Fullback for his football team.  Being a fullback is not a glorious position at this age.  He was the lead blocker for nearly every play. And man did he ever!  I embarrassed myself a number of times this season cheering when Champ would lay some poor unexpecting linebacker out!  Our running back might have been tackled in the backfield for a loss, but I would cheer when Champ would light 'em up.  Champ is also a great baseball player.  He started off the season with very few hits.  That's when it became very clear, Champ was in need of glasses. I wasn't sure how he would react, but he thinks he looks cool (and he does). The ladies need to watch their hearts around this guy.  He looks just like the kid ( Jonathan Lipnicki ) off of "Stuart Little".

Always smiling
Silas is a mess!  This boy is always in a good mood and goofing around.  I don't think I have met many people who enjoy laughing and having fun as much as Silas.  He is always looking to see what he can get into.  I think what hair I have left will be removed when this one gets to his teenage years. Silas, since he has been old enough, has loved baseball.  He has a natural talent for the game that I never had.  I'll be honest, I'm a little jealous.  He was hitting out to the fence in T-ball two springs ago, so we made him play up in machine pitch this year. I'll be honest, I was nervous, but he did awesome. He also tried something new this fall.  Silas decided to give football a try.  Little did he know he would be leading the team as the quarterback.  It was a rough go at first, but he stuck with it and became a heck of a ball player.  This little dude is slam full of energy. If you think you know what he is up to now, wait two minutes and it will change.

Well that just about brings you up to date for now.  Goodness knows that this is not all that's new, but I think you get the idea.  I'm going to make an effort to make more frequent updates to our blog.  If there is something you would like to hear about, please let me know!


Keith Bishop said...

Paris is completely awesome!!! That's the first time I have seen her play anyway you rock and keep up the good fight!

Robbie said...

Love, love, love, and yes, LOVE!

becci said...

Wow!! Amazing how you can get it all done. Where do you find the time?!

Leonard said...

Your children are so lucky to have a father like you! And I am blessed to be your dad.